FSSI AuditHub Deployment
FSSI are a UK based specialist food safety, quality and risk management business
Driving integrity through audit and advisory/consultancy services across the food and drink industry

Audits are an important and essential part of managing food safety and quality risks to help control effectiveness within an organization. Our Audit Management Software simplifies the entire auditing process, from planning and scheduling to performing the audit to managing the corrective action process through to final approval. Informed data driven decisions from audits are vital to business critical operations. In addition to the existing internal audit requirements, food Auditors also need to be proactive with risk management and provide insights into external factors such as standards, client policies and and relevant legislation (national regulations). The AuditHub software helps reduce the risk of non-compliance and provides real-time insights into any potential operational problems or issues created by these sources. AuditHub supports all types of audits in your company including desktop audits, internal audits and mobile first and second party audits against your own standards or third party schemes. and displays the information gathered to user needs such as key staff, management and any other authorized users. Driven by user permissions and secure data areas, access to historical or on-going audits are controlled, compared and viewed on a dashboard. Managing the nonconformity process is essential and ensuring proof of action and task closure is regularly monitored via the software. AuditHub can run audits at any time of the day or night and with any desired frequency. The scheduling tool matches auditor competency to sites and operations, plans announced or unannounced visits and reporting can be configured to assess different risks. The Geo mapping tool illustrates location of the auditor to the site to help efficient resource planning.
Facility Management
Audit tool for controlling multiple operations, sites, teams and vehicles
Checklists and Audit Forms
Fully configurable templates for compliance and percentage based scoring models
Skills Matrix Management
Map audits to skillsets and key (stakeholder) product categories/customer requirements
Workflow Management
Configure audit activities to match organisational workflows
Mobile & Offline Audits
Android enabled devices, photo evidence support, immediate scoring recognition
Technical Review Summary
Features allow desk audit capabilities and QA review of audit report/non-conformances raised prior to release to site/client
Corrective Action Management
Manage corrective action processes for non-conformant responses including the upload of documented evidence to support due diligence, real-time monitoring and historical views as well as the ability to add root cause
Dynamic reporting across frequency and quantitative results
Configurable to users with real-time reporting
User permission driven to data level security access powered by Microsoft Azure a trusted cloud service.
We help you implement and configure the software to your needs
We will make sure you know how to…
•assess what needs to be risk managed through food safety and quality audits. We help define the audit assessments and inspections for products, process and people ensuring they are linked to policies, best practices and legislation (national regulations). This can cover your own operations or a supply chain and partner network.
•plan and schedule the frequency and duration of audits, the competency required (needed) of the Auditors and whether there are skills and training requirement gaps.
•build a workflow for non-conformity management, clarification to responses, the continual improvement plan and identify the gap analysis between the audit results and desired best practice.
•make informed decisions from the audit results and build plans to create a culture of continual improvement.
AuditHub software is designed to be configured to your operation and your audit needs. Contact us for a demo and a discussion on what you would like to measure, reduce, improve and monitor! FSSI Group (UK) Ltd is an independent, privately owned organization. Our business is focused upon providing high calibre food and non-food formulated products Quality and Food Safety Auditing, Consultancy, Software and Training for our clients, as well as developing bespoke Standards.